Saturday, November 7, 2009

Denial of technology

I'm a creature of habit. I like to do the same things in the morning, follow a predictable workout routine, eat and go to bed at a consistent time. Mess with my routine and I'm in trouble. I am perpetually attached to my iPod and listen to it almost all day at work. One day I forgot my headphones. The silence was almost unbearable. I contemplated "borrowing" my boss's earbuds but thought that simultaneously unclean and pathetic. Somehow I survived.

At my previous job I discovered the glory of the dual monitor. I could look at two things at once and my multitasking self loved it. Once I got the hook up at my current job I felt more productive. I have to do a ton of proofreading and it's critical for me to have at least two applications going at once if not six. That was my downfall in part. Needing to have a bunch of applications was bad for my state-of-the-art 2002 Dell desktop. Since I get along pretty well with the IT guy, he said he'd find me a new computer. I was relieved. I could have Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Outlook and pretty much the entire Microsoft Office suite office open at once and be fine. Yesterday morning Edwin came by to install my new computer. I think I have a 2007 model now, but it's an improvement. Nothing can do perfectly with any kind of upgrade. The video card didn't work. I would only have one monitor as Edwin searched for a replacement. It was torture. Instead of having applications open on two pages, I had to resize everything, which slowed me down. I was hopelessly slow and felt that nothing I did could be trusted because my environment was irrevocably altered.

The moral of the story could be that I did figure out what I needed to do and persevered. That would be boring. The bottom line is, mess with my habits at my own peril. If things aren't "just so", I am not at my best. Still, I manage to get through.

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