Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mass hysteria

I don’t want the health care bill to stop. I want the hysteria about the health care bill to stop. At this point I don’t care whether it passes or not. I think Obama has to get it passed because he promised change and people think that he’s done nothing in the past 16 months except play basketball, smoke, and appear on TV a lot. He signed a jobs bill this week, but no one gives a crap.

What irks me is that people are acting like this is a line in the sand. Do you know what the best part about lines in the sand is? They are easily erased. If Obama passes this legislation, and it’s not solely up to him despite what people say, it doesn’t mean that socialism wins and that freedom loses. It means that a bill passed. It won’t be perfect. I don’t even know what perfect is. Since there are Americans who believe that Obama should be impeached, for what exactly I’m not sure, and there are people who think that he’s the last great hope for America, and these people can still get a beer together, things are OK. I don’t know how much longer that’s going to last.

There was hysteria about Bush, but that was based on what he’s done. Most of the Obama hysteria is based on things that he hasn’t done, lies told about him, or distortions.

Here’s an Impeach The President!!! article. The article states that Pelosi is considering using something called the “Slaughter Plan” which is a way to pass this legislation without a strict up and down vote. Let’s be clear on this plan. It has not been completed. I assume that if a commentator is talking about it, it has been used before, probably by the other party.

It seems that the article is stating that if Obama is behind this procedural rule, which is something that Congress would do, he should be impeached. You can’t impeach someone just because you don’t like him. The Republicans pulled that off with Clinton but he actually broke the law. There are a lot of people who haven’t liked Obama from the start. That’s fine. I didn’t like Bush from the start. He did not grow on me, and I doubt that Obama would grow on most of the haters. When you have a set opinion on a person, it’s hard to change.

Once again I say, why the hysteria? A government-run system means that private industry gets cut out. Private industry usually means soak the consumer, like our current health care system does. Anyone who says our health care is best in the world, as this article does, is full of shit. If it’s the best, why are we less healthy than other countries and pay more for the privilege?

I’ve decided to move forward on this issue. Anyone who states that Obama should be impeached is going to get the “nah nah nah I’m not listening to you” treatment while I plug my ears. Anyone who plays the “America is the best country in the world and it’s never done anything wrong” card gets the same treatment. Have a legitimate reason to dislike legislation and the men and women who wield political power and I’ll listen. I’ll listen if the other person is willing to listen. I don’t hear any of that going on now and it’s scaring me.

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