Monday, December 21, 2009

Anger and stress

I don’t like to focus too much on the negative, but I’ll throw in a couple of examples. Once again I had Glen Beck on in the gym changing room. I had to de-sweat for a few minutes and had to endure his discussion with a panel. I like that his point was at least deeply thought. During the Great Depression the country enjoyed the escapism of Tarzan and Flash Gordon, and at the onset of World War 2 Superman became popular. Right after 9/11, the Spiderman movie was the first movie that did well. It came out the following May but I’ll say close enough. When times are tough, we want escapism. You can guess which direction this is taking. Our country wanted a superhero who would tell us that everything was going to be all right, therefore we elected an image and not a man.

I love you, Mr. Beck. My left shoulder has been tight for weeks because of this house issue. I need to be angry every once in a while and let it out. Beck makes interesting points, at least in the way they are constructed. He makes no sense. He wants a guy who isn’t a superstar but tells us how it is. Hasn’t Obama been at times brutally honest with us? Not when he’s listening, apparently. I would say that the previous president played on the cowboy motif quite often, and clearly took advantage of our emotions. Nice try, though.

What’s new with the house? With the help of our agent, we converted the inspection report into a “to do” list for our seller. We had to clear up some typos, which is not the strong suit of inspectors. Our goal is to get this list out to the seller before Christmas. We do not expect them to accept our latest update to the contract.

I kept things simple so far regarding my wishes for the new place. I wanted a new TV and a grill. Alison’s in charge of getting our furniture. I want it to be comfortable. Cat claw proof would be nice as well. I’ll let her pick out the design. I’m so giving, aren’t I?

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