Friday, February 26, 2010

Facebook fun

For the most part, I enjoy Facebook. It’s cool to keep up with people I do not converse with on a regular basis. I could do without a lot of the Villes, but that’s a personal preference. The inspirational quotes get old too but the brilliance of Facebook is you can clear out anything that you want.

I’m going to comment on a couple of posts that especially caught my attention. They are political and talking politics is a good way to end any constructional conversation. I just couldn’t help but comment on the posts and the comments to the posts.

One of my Facebook “friends” intoned that he didn’t understand why Obama continued to pursue health care reform when no one wanted it. This friend hasn’t met my father in law who lost his job last August and is about to lose his Cobra coverage. He gets no health care. This Facebook scribe had a comment from a friend that said something regarding getting high, eating watermelon and chicken, and other original thoughts. I was a bit taken aback. The racism was casual but I was more offended by the bad humor. If you’re going to throw out a racial stereotype, dig a little deeper, people. I fear for America if our racists are getting lazy.

Another quality Facebook post involved the right to vote. There’s a pet peeve about everyone having the right to vote. It’s hard to speak in favor for the voting public when they vote in a guy who cheated on his wife with his mother-in-law. That’s a good point, but it says nothing of the man’s opponent or the positive reasons for voting for him. I admit that the mother-in-law tap is pretty egregious, but if cheaters were kept out of public office we might run out of politicians.

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