Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow, darn you, snow!

Yesterday we waited and waited in Atlanta. At least three times we’ve been just south of winter weather. Trust me, we really don’t want a big snowfall. We just want to see the pretty stuff fall.

At work I have a weekly Friday meeting at 11. It was moved to 3 p.m. Friday afternoon meetings are the worst kind of corporate “we own your soul” moments. We assumed that the meeting wouldn’t take place. Snow was supposed to fall starting at noon and surely our panicky building supervisor, fearing lawsuits, would send us home.

The snow refused to fall. I checked the Weather Channel satellite image and we were surrounded by green, pink, and blue. Nothing would fall. Work slowed but did not stop. I made a lunchtime trip to Trader Joe’s and the place was about three times as packed as usual. Half of the people were buying supplies for the “big snowstorm” and the other half were getting Valentine’s Day supplies. Trader Joe’s prices are reasonable but when I saw a pound of long-stemmed strawberries for $9, even I paused. Yes, long-stemmed strawberries were recommended for the fondue recipe I’m trying on Sunday. The regular stem ones will go just fine.

The snow started around 1:30 p.m. We could barely see it at first but by 2 it was coming down heavily. There was legitimate concern for the ride home. Bad weather plus drivers not used to snow is a tough equation. We got the “building is closed” e-mail. There was a groan when everyone read the contents. 4 p.m.! By that time, the roads would be clogged. We were stuck.

I would say about 15 minutes of work was completed during the next hour. We had our meeting, which was noticeably shorter than usual. It was time to hit the eject button.

I finally got to see the snow falling through our bay window. So that’s why you have a house. The driveway’s going to be frozen and we might not be able to leave the house tomorrow. That was fine. I had survived the great Atlanta snowstorm of 2010.

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