Sunday, June 27, 2010

Third site is the charm

The original tripmakersonline background image

Image caption: This was the original background image for tripmakersonline. Sadly, it didn't fit with the rest of the design.

I created my third site! is live. Here's how it came to be.

Months ago my wife volunteered me to create a travel site for my in-laws. My mother-in-law is part of the dying breed of travel agents. She's based out of Chattanooga. I told them that I would work on the site in my spare time. Spare time was hard to come by. I decided for ease of uploading to create one page with tabbed panels. Tabbed panels is a Dreamweaver trick that creates JavaScript to allow you to click different tabs to access specific content. I used this technique when creating my second site,

I was dying to create something cool looking for the site's background. I thought of an old travel standby, the postcard. I found a bunch of cool looking old style postcards and stacked them jigsaw-puzzle style to make a coherent background. It didn't go over well with my testers (wife and in-laws). Sadly the creative part was good but it didn't work with the rest of the design. I instead used a background image of sand. We all like sand. It indicates vacation in a way few images do.

Today I got the green light to upload the site. My wife bought the hosting account through and I uploaded the files. It took a few tries because in 's file upload system you're unable to upload new content after uploading once. I'm sure there's a way around it but I have to log out and log back in every time.

The site's live although there are some steps to take. The forms go to my e-mail address because I need to set up the e-mail account through godaddy. I don't have meta tags yet. SEO isn't a big deal yet since traffic will come through the in-laws contacting customers directly. We may even do an e-mail campaign.

It's fun to create and it's even better when you can get the site live for the world to see. Now it's time to re-design my own page,

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